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Saturday 7 August 2010

Teenage girl sells her virginity to British bidder for £200,000

An 18-year-old Hungarian girl who put her virginity up for sale to the highest bidder is on her way to Britain after a buyer from the UK pledged to cough up £200,000.

The girl - who identified herself only as 'Miss Spring' - is a student that hopes one day to be a doctor - but lives with her mother and brother in a small village in Hungary with little possibility to study or find work.

The girl was so desperate to be allowed to sell her virginity that after the bid was closed down on eBay she wrote to papers like the Huffington Post, The Telegraph and The Sun and to celebrities like Lady Gaga and Madonna, attracting enough attention that some of the original bidders were allowed to continue offering bids via email.

It came down to a final battle between a British man and an Irish man, with the British man winning, although the Irish bidder is reportedly still trying to gazump the deal.

The pretty blond dreams of going to university to become a doctor and has already qualified for a place - but has put it on hold for her family.

She said: "My family has debts, we cannot afford to pay them. My mother borrowed a lot of money in Swiss Francs, and now with the credit crunch in Hungary the repayments in Hungarian forints have tripled, she couldn't pay it back. We faced losing our home and being on the street. I want to be able to pay back those loans - that's why I came up with the idea for this auction.

"It is not such a lot of money for what is on offer, considering half will vanish in tax, but it will be enough to pay of my debts and leave us clear.

"I was in contact with two final bidders - the Irish guy and the British guy. Both wanted me to come to them. I chose the British guy. He was very sympathetic to my cause.

"Both men wanted to marry me take care of me and my family. But for me this was supposed to be a one off thing. Getting married and living with someone is a challenge I am not sure I am yet ready for.

"However I would really like the opportunity to go to Britain or Ireland. So who knows." In her blog she does not say how she is proceeding to conclude the deal.

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